24th February
24th February
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A blended, self-paced e-learning programme with e-certificate
Available for enterprises as well as individuals

Financially Intelligent Organisations™
Creating financially intelligent organisastions™

Training Programmes
All the programmes can be accessed physically as well as virtually

Video Series

Live Programmes
Lamcon has been at the forefront of creating original content and delivering world-class financial education for over three decades now.

In-Company Training Programmes

Training Programmes Open to Public

Guest Talks

e-Learning Programme
Self-paced, high quality, blended e-learning programme accessible from anywhere in the world (leading to a certificate)
Corporations wishing to train large numbers of employees can obtain bulk licences here.
Romancing the Balance Sheet
Romancing the Balance Sheet is a 12 module e-learning programme on finance management based on the chapters from the book by the same name.
This programme provides a comprehensive insight into the financial concepts and principles that everyone needs to understand in order to take financially intelligent decisions and offers a cost-effective method of imparting financial literacy across the organisation.

Video-Based Training
Anil Lamba on Finance is a series of training videos designed to give a complete understanding of finance management.
Corporations wishing to train large numbers of employees can obtain bulk licences here.

Bestselling books on finance authored by Dr Anil Lamba. Limited signed copies are available.
Corporations wishing to give books to a large number of employees can obtain bulk copies here.
Financial mismanagement is the single biggest cause of business failures worldwide.
A first of it's kind certification in the world
Financially Intelligent Organisation™
Lamcon certification for management accounting processes & financial acumen.
An organisation is deemed to be financially intelligent when:
i) timely and relevant information is generated and delivered to the appropriate individuals and
ii) the recipients of the information are trained to read, understand and interpret the information received and take necessary actions based on it.
Our Reach
Our clients include some of the fastest growing companies across the world.
Financial Literacy For All™
A Lamcon Initiative
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