Costing Strategies for Improving Profit (Recorded Access)


The program will focus on marginal costing principles. At the end of the program, participants will be able to work out break-even points for their businesses/projects, set targets for achieving sales, determine pricing policy, take marketing related decisions, understand the impact on profitability of decisions pertaining to credit given to customers, discounts offered etc.

Dr Lamba will also explain how fixed cost assets or funds can be used to magnify returns to owners, the impact of borrowing on profitability, how to maximise profitability by using leverages to one’s advantage and the use of leverage analysis to understand how safe/risky an organisation is.


“In good times, anybody can make profit. The challenge is to survive during tough times.”


Programme Content:

Marginal Costing
1. Understanding marginal costing principles and appreciation of terms like Contribution, P V Ratio, Break-even point etc.
2. How to use these principles in taking financially intelligent decisions pertaining to pricing of the product, the credit that is offered to customers and availed from vendors, the discount structure etc
Case studies and practice sessions illustrating application of the principles

Leverage Analysis
1. How to calculate the operating, financial and combined leverage multiples.
2. How to use Leverage Analysis to understand the impact on the bottom line of any change in the top line and in understanding the risk profile of any entity.

Who is it for:

  • Teams involved in pricing policy, price negotiation
  • Those handling the sales and marketing function
  • People working in the accounts & costing department
  • Middle and senior level managers who need to understand the financial implication of their actions

Program Faculty:

Dr Anil Lamba Bestselling author, financial literacy activist, and an international corporate trainer, Dr Anil Lamba is a practising Chartered Accountant and holds degrees in Commerce, Law and a Doctorate in Taxation.

Dr Lamba’s training programs are held internationally, with a client list exceeding 2000 large and medium-sized corporations spread across several countries including India, the USA, and in Europe, the Middle-East and the Far- East. His books, ‘Romancing the Balance Sheet’, ‘Eye on the Bottom Line’, ‘Flirting with Stocks’ & ‘Financial Affairs of the Common Man’ are making waves.


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A cost-effective method of imparting financial literacy across the organisation.


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A cost-effective method of imparting financial literacy across the organisation.


You organisation needs more than just a few financially intelligent individuals.

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