Latest Blogs

Dr Lamba regularly writes articles and newspaper columns on topics related to finance, investments & taxation. 

George Soros – the man who made a billion dollars in a day

“George Soros is a moron”, screamed the headlines of the newspaper I was reading over breakfast sitting in Kuala Lumpur somewhere in mid-1997. This is the first time I had heard his name. The statement was made by the then Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mohamad Mahathir. That got my

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Why are highly leveraged companies looked at with suspicion?

Why is leveraging frowned upon? Leverage is a positive word. It is derived from an engineering term called ‘lever’. Its function is to provide magnification. Colloquially, in a financial context, leverage merely refers to using borrowed funds to finance operations. Financial leverage helps in accelerating profit. Leverage is derived from

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Creating Financially Intelligent Organisations

There is a crying need for organisations to be financially intelligent. For sustainable growth financial intelligence must percolate across all levels within the organisation. It is an established fact that financial mis-management is the single biggest cause of business failures the world over.   Let me today dwell upon why

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Can you increase profit without increasing sales?

Non-finance persons often wonder, “What is there to understand about profit?” One must know how to make and how to sell. Profit is the result. I am not at all underestimating the importance of the ability to make and sell. If you don’t know how to make and sell you

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Featured Videos

A selection of videos featuring Dr Anil Lamba speaking on topics of contemporary interest.

An overview of Finance Masterclass by Dr. Anil Lamba
SpeakIn presents Four Golden Principles of Good Financial Management with Dr. Anil Lamba
Dr Anil Lamba | How to invest in stocks | Radiant Wellness Conclave 2019
Anil Lamba's address | Maruti Suzuki Dealer Conference | Macau | 05 May 2019
Dr. Anil Lamba at Vishwapreneur '16
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An overview of Finance Masterclass by Dr. Anil Lamba
SpeakIn presents Four Golden Principles of Good Financial Management with Dr. Anil Lamba
Dr Anil Lamba | How to invest in stocks | Radiant Wellness Conclave 2019
Anil Lamba's address | Maruti Suzuki Dealer Conference | Macau | 05 May 2019
Dr. Anil Lamba at Vishwapreneur '16
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A cost-effective method of imparting financial literacy across the organisation.


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