In-Company Programmes

We are a leading provider of training programmes in finance management to corporations globally.

Dr Anil Lamba has trained hundreds of thousands of executives, business owners, professionals and others from thousands of organizations in four continents.

Lamcon offers a number of standard as well as customised programmes to suit the requirements of employees at all levels within an organisation.

These programmes, ranging in duration from 1 day to 5 days, are conducted by Dr Anil Lamba and can be accessed physically as well as virtually.



Building Business Acumen

Physical: 5 days / Virtual: 8 days

This is an intensive programme covering everything that a business leader needs to know to become proficient in finance management.


Finance For Business Leaders

Physical: 4 days / Virtual: 6 days

This is an intensive programme to arm business leaders with the finance management tools and techniques required to take financially intelligent decisions keeping in mind the long term strategic plans of the organisation.


Finance Acumen For Sustainable Growth

Physical: 3 days / Virtual: 5 days

This 3 day programme covers all the topics required by mid & senior management team members to make their day-to-day decision-making financially prudent.


Finance Acumen For Marketing & Sales Personnel

Physical: 3 days / Virtual: 5 days

From amongst all the ‘non-finance’ persons, those handling the sales and marketing functions need to understand finance management the most, since their actions have a direct impact on the bottom line.


Cash is King

Physical: 3 days / Virtual: 5 days

Cash is the life blood of a business. This 3-day programme will cover the various dimensions of cash flow monitoring & management
and will also discuss ways to improve cash flows.


Developing Global Business Managers

Physical: 3 days / Virtual: 5 days

In this 3-day programme participants will be exposed to macroeconomics-related concepts in a globalised environment in addition to finance management inputs.


Business Finance for HR Persons

Physical: 3 days / Virtual: 5 days
If the HR persons have to effectively partner the top management in achieving the organisations strategic goals it is essential for them to understand and master financial concepts.


Eye on the Bottom Line

Physical: 2 days / Virtual: 3 days

It is essential to always remember that the objective of setting up a business is to make profit. The top line is a means towards achieving an end, and the end is the generation of a healthy profit. This cannot be achieved unless every action is taken by every individual with an eye on the bottom line.


Finance Fundamentals

Physical: 1 day / Virtual: 2 days

Effective finance management is the sine qua non for the success of any business. It is essential that all the key executives and managers have an understanding of financial concepts and principles.

You too can join Lamcon's legion of clients across the world & begin your journey towards becoming a financially intelligent organisation™.

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A cost-effective method of imparting financial literacy across the organisation.


You organisation needs more than just a few financially intelligent individuals.

Obtain bulk copies for all or a large number of your employees.


A cost-effective method of imparting financial literacy across the organisation.


You organisation needs more than just a few financially intelligent individuals.

Obtain bulk licences for all or a large number of your employees.


A cost-effective method of imparting financial literacy across the organisation.


You organisation needs more than just a few financially intelligent individuals.

Obtain bulk licences for all or a large number of your employees.