Finance Fundamentals
‘Anil Lamba on Finance’
is a series of training videos designed to provide a complete and comprehensive understanding of finance management irrespective of education background, expertise and job profile.
2 Hours
Actionable Content
Satisfied customers
2 Modules
Sequentially Planned
Anil Lamba on finance: Finance Fundamentals
Using jargon-free language, this course will introduce the two most important statements and eliminate the number of misconceptions usually associated with commonly-used-yet-often-misinterpreted terms.
This two module course in intended to lay a strong foundation for understanding the financial principles.
Details of the two modules of the series are as follows:
Module 1: Understanding Financial Statements
In this session Dr Lamba introduces the P/L A/c and B/S explains how to make these statements with the help of a three-minute formula demystifies the two dreaded words, Debit and Credit, that create confusion in the minds of many and discusses the similarity and distinction between terms like Expenses, Assets, Incomes and Liabilities.
Module 2: What is Profit?
Every business is run with the objective of making profit. However the term itself is often misconstrued. In this session Dr Lamba explains the ‘concept of profit’, and takes a philosophical look at the role of ‘Expenses’ and the part played by ‘Inventory’ in arriving at, and sometimes manipulating, profit.
Course Package includes:
2 Video Tutorials
Each video corresponds to one module of around 1 hour duration

Bestselling author, financial literacy activist, and an international corporate trainer, Dr Anil Lamba is a practising Chartered Accountant and holds degrees in Commerce, Law and a Doctorate in Taxation.
Dr Anil Lamba’s training programs are held internationally, with a client list exceeding 1000 large and medium sized corporations spread across several countries including India, the USA, and in Europe, the Middle-East and the Far-East.
He has conceptualized, and is actively engaged in the implementation of, ‘Financial Literacy for All’, a movement towards creating a financially intelligent India.
He has also written several books and over one thousand articles. His latest book, ‘Romancing the Balance Sheet’ is currently making waves.

- Each video corresponds to one module of 1 hour duration.
- You can view the videos as many times as you want. The validity period of these videos is for 45 Days from the date of enrollment.
- Videos are available in 2 versions - For both Low & High Bandwidths
- Video Language: English
- The videos cannot be downloaded