Are you aware of everything that your balance sheet can tell you? Do you have an understanding of the various aspects of the balance sheet of your business, to know how healthy your company is? Do you know how many types of balance sheets are there and how can they help you?
It’s time to decode the balance sheet, understand its nuances and make the right decisions for the growth of your business.
Dr Anil Lamba is a bestselling author, financial literacy activist, and an international corporate trainer. His training programmes are held internationally, with a client list exceeding 3000 large and medium-sized corporations spread across several countries including India, the USA, and in Europe, Africa, Russia, the Middle-East and the Far-East. Dr Lamba is the author of the bestseller ‘Romancing the Balance Sheet’ and many other books on finance.
There’s no growth for an organisation if it doesn’t make profit. And so, everyone who cares for an organisation’s profit should attend this course. From Senior Executives to Business Owners, Professionals, Entrepreneurs, MSMEs and Startup Founders, everyone should attend this masterclass.
Go ahead, enrol now and make the most of this enriching session on profit and assets.
In fiercely competitive times, only organizations that practice good financial management survive. And this happens when everybody in the organization takes financially intelligent decisions.
This is a quick masterclass pre-recorded webinar session on understanding the financial health of a business from its balance sheet. There are no course materials available for this session. However, we do have longer programs that do have course materials. Do reach out to us and we can send you moreÂ
As a manager, it is extremely important to be able to decipher a balance sheet and understand the financial health of a company. It directly translates to a more informed decision making process from those in leadership positions. Both, employees and employers can benefit from the learnings from this Masterclass pre-recorded webinar session
This Masterclass pre-recorded webinar session can teach you all that you need to know to read a balance sheet correctly and extract key insights from it. The course is curated in such a manner as to not overwhelm the participants but provide the right information in a condensed fashion.
Dr. Anil Lamba has spent a lot of time curating programs to improve financial literacy in organisations. Those without any financial knowledge have, in theÂ
Yes, we do have some long-term programs available to the all. To know more details about it, write to us at [email protected].
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